Tag: Emotional wellbeing

  • Not Well

    Not Well

    I am currently languishing in a period of being Not Well! I am not Ill, but I am most definitely, Not Well: it is more of a flu-like malaise than an illness. And my cure? A RETREAT.

  • Where Method Acting Meets Journaling

    Where Method Acting Meets Journaling

    During my varied career in the arts and theatre, I have come to realise that Method Acting isn’t just for the actors. In fact, I have drawn heavily on it in my writing and I now realise that my writing practice is pure ‘method.’ Instead of viewing yourself as a writer when you are journalling,…

  • Ideas come easy… but too many create a dust cloud

    Ideas come easy… but too many create a dust cloud

    A peak beneath the surface; a dive into the unknown and unseen, surfacing with precious crystals, manifested by visualising myself dowsing my gut microbiome…

  • A trip to the City

    A trip to the City

    Yesterday, I revisited my past and danced with the ghosts. We haven’t been into London for a while, whereas in previous times, we both lived separate lives here. I lived and worked in London for many of my formative years; my children were born there.

  • Bold Biorhythms

    Bold Biorhythms

    I have been exploring why somedays, I feel fantastic for no apparent reason and of course, on other days, quite the opposite.

  • Leisure


    What do you enjoy doing most in your leisure time? I struggle with leisure.There are many things I would love to do, but don’t seem to get around to them. Leisure for me equals anytime I’m not working.So from about 7.00 pm til midnight, I watch politics or news programmes on TV. Then, I binge…

  • The 3 Ages of FUN

    The 3 Ages of FUN

    throughout life into Enjoyment and finally Joy. It is like the word itself has 3 phases. (Well you didn’t think I was just going to give you a list of 5 things, did you?)

  • What makes a good leader?

    What makes a good leader?

    What makes a good leader? First thoughts: Integrity: Live what you teach. Deliver what you promise Passion: believe in what you are doing and inspire others through excellent communication skills Intellect: ability to reason with great strategic thinking – this has to go alongside – Adaptability – to make subtle shifts in the plan as…

  • A Female Approach to Marketing & Selling

    A Female Approach to Marketing & Selling

    Why is this a crazy idea? Because after watching dozens of business videos and webinars on You Tube, I am disheartened.

  • Reverse engineer your later life

    Reverse engineer your later life

    There is no point in living a very long life in pain and discomfort, depressed and in abject poverty. So, I want to turn the concept of living a very long life, into a reality, but my mission is to enjoy a Glorious 3rd Age – G3A – through holistic well-being (mind, body, spirit) and…

  • The past stalks my days and haunts my nights …

    The past stalks my days and haunts my nights …

    The past stalks my days and haunts my nights and sometimes, when the moon is waning, the memories sting like barbs. It takes a lot of energy to try to live in the present moment. I’m not very good at it, but I’m getting better.

  • The greatest gift, is, after all, one we already have…

    The greatest gift, is, after all, one we already have…

    What is the greatest gift someone could give you? Where do I go with this?Time? Freedom? Peace? Love?Many people have written about these things here. They are all valuable commodities but I already have all of these in abundance. Creativity? Yes, that too. So how about: Money? Material wealth? Designer clothes? Houses?I have none of…

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