Category: Spiritual

  • Not Well

    Not Well

    I am currently languishing in a period of being Not Well! I am not Ill, but I am most definitely, Not Well: it is more of a flu-like malaise than an illness. And my cure? A RETREAT.

  • Seeking Harmony in Mind Body Spirit

    Seeking balance and harmony between mind, body, and spirit can be a profound journey of self-discovery and growth. My recent experiences with my baby grandson and his older brother have offered me valuable lessons in understanding this balance.

  • Where Method Acting Meets Journaling

    Where Method Acting Meets Journaling

    During my varied career in the arts and theatre, I have come to realise that Method Acting isn’t just for the actors. In fact, I have drawn heavily on it in my writing and I now realise that my writing practice is pure ‘method.’ Instead of viewing yourself as a writer when you are journalling,…

  • Curiosity is your superpower

    Curiosity is your superpower

    I realise, writing this, that curiosity is a superpower. I thought mine was writing, or having ideas, but they are facets of the bigger picture. And so, I surveyed the G3A landscape from above where I could see the bigger picture – the garden of curiosity surrounded by fields of Mind, Body, Spiritual beliefs.

  • Spring arrives in yellow

    Spring arrives in yellow

    This weekend is the Spring Full moon – called The Worm Moon. The worms are moving around after the winter thaw creating movement and spaces we can’t see. A hidden movement that shifts in the darkness to make way for new life.

  • Ideas come easy… but too many create a dust cloud

    Ideas come easy… but too many create a dust cloud

    A peak beneath the surface; a dive into the unknown and unseen, surfacing with precious crystals, manifested by visualising myself dowsing my gut microbiome…

  • Doo-be doo-be dooo!

    Doo-be doo-be dooo!

    This was a question I loved to ask myself, years ago; in the days when I believed that having money would solve all of my problems…

  • Leisure


    What do you enjoy doing most in your leisure time? I struggle with leisure.There are many things I would love to do, but don’t seem to get around to them. Leisure for me equals anytime I’m not working.So from about 7.00 pm til midnight, I watch politics or news programmes on TV. Then, I binge…

  • The 3 Ages of FUN

    The 3 Ages of FUN

    throughout life into Enjoyment and finally Joy. It is like the word itself has 3 phases. (Well you didn’t think I was just going to give you a list of 5 things, did you?)

  • Understanding pets

    Understanding pets

    What I know now (that I didn’t know then,) is that to communicate effectively with a pet, there is no point simply shouting instructions in a language they don’t understand. Sure, clever dogs can learn responses through repetition and treats, but this is purely behavioural. Which is important if your pet is to live within…

  • The Attic of ideas and snippets

    The Attic of ideas and snippets

    Mostly in my mind. My mind is like an open loft with no shelving or cupboard space – just EVERYTHING thrown in there, randomly, in no particular order.

  • Unleash the Magic and celebrate the Power of Wiser Older Women (WOWs)

    Unleash the Magic and celebrate the Power of Wiser Older Women (WOWs)

    My mission is to uncover the enchanting power of women, the creators of life, and contemplate how we can reignite this flame of potential magic within the wiser, older women who have weathered the sands of time.

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