Category: Creativity

  • The Enduring Mystery of The Rule of Three

    The Enduring Mystery of The Rule of Three

    The concept of things coming in threes has a pervasive presence across various aspects of life. By understanding this pattern, we can gain insight into the human mind’s inclination towards patterns and symmetry. It is a number which creates harmony, balance and connectedness. A number which flows and leads to a resolution.

  • How do Creative Habits enhance your writing and wellbeing

    How do Creative Habits enhance your writing and wellbeing

    I am currently working on an Action Research programme in schools (funded by Arts Council England) which is exploring how a creative and culturally rich experience can enhance children’s life and learning. One of the key factors we were discussing yesterday is: ‘how do we foster Creative habits across the whole school; and most significantly,…

  • Where Method Acting Meets Journaling

    Where Method Acting Meets Journaling

    During my varied career in the arts and theatre, I have come to realise that Method Acting isn’t just for the actors. In fact, I have drawn heavily on it in my writing and I now realise that my writing practice is pure ‘method.’ Instead of viewing yourself as a writer when you are journalling,…

  • Curiosity is your superpower

    Curiosity is your superpower

    I realise, writing this, that curiosity is a superpower. I thought mine was writing, or having ideas, but they are facets of the bigger picture. And so, I surveyed the G3A landscape from above where I could see the bigger picture – the garden of curiosity surrounded by fields of Mind, Body, Spiritual beliefs.

  • Spring arrives in yellow

    Spring arrives in yellow

    This weekend is the Spring Full moon – called The Worm Moon. The worms are moving around after the winter thaw creating movement and spaces we can’t see. A hidden movement that shifts in the darkness to make way for new life.

  • Ideas come easy… but too many create a dust cloud

    Ideas come easy… but too many create a dust cloud

    A peak beneath the surface; a dive into the unknown and unseen, surfacing with precious crystals, manifested by visualising myself dowsing my gut microbiome…

  • A trip to the City

    A trip to the City

    Yesterday, I revisited my past and danced with the ghosts. We haven’t been into London for a while, whereas in previous times, we both lived separate lives here. I lived and worked in London for many of my formative years; my children were born there.

  • Letting go of the side…

    Letting go of the side…

    So this is easy. There is one major thing in my life that I am scared to do. And that is letting go of the side when I am in water; fear of going out of my depth so that my feet are not touching the bottom (pool or sea…)

  • Doo-be doo-be dooo!

    Doo-be doo-be dooo!

    This was a question I loved to ask myself, years ago; in the days when I believed that having money would solve all of my problems…

  • The Symphony of a Book

    The Symphony of a Book

    I couldn’t write this post until I had finished the book I was reading. And then the whole thing changed. I was planning to photograph my TBR pile, which is at least a dozen books high in print books plus loads on Kindle. But then something changed.

  • Leisure


    What do you enjoy doing most in your leisure time? I struggle with leisure.There are many things I would love to do, but don’t seem to get around to them. Leisure for me equals anytime I’m not working.So from about 7.00 pm til midnight, I watch politics or news programmes on TV. Then, I binge…

  • The 3 Ages of FUN

    The 3 Ages of FUN

    throughout life into Enjoyment and finally Joy. It is like the word itself has 3 phases. (Well you didn’t think I was just going to give you a list of 5 things, did you?)

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